2 Types of Fumigation and Sanitation for Exterminate Grain Beetle or Warehouse Pest

10 May. 2021 | dilihat 214x

When it comes about pest control, prevention is better than cure. You don't want to regret because you didn't do anything to your warehouse and all the grains damaged by pests. As the result, you'll need to invest more money to exterminate the pests. The story would end better when you focus on prevention, making sure that the grains are safe and there's no a single bug in silo. You will get more profits instead of loss. Hence, we have to prevent the pests and the only thing we can do is fumigation and sanitation. This technique requires chemical that will eliminate the pests and insects with all their eggs.
This is a crucial part to make sure the warehouse and silo is pests free. There are three ways to help you control the pest.

• Gas Fumigation
Gas fumigation uses liquid chemical which will be converted into gaseous state. This method requires enclosed chambers or at least we have to make sure that the place covered with gas-proof material such as tarpaulin. The gas cylinder will channel the gas inside the enclosed chambers and the process is less than a day. For this method, we suggest customers using FUMILIKUID 2 GA which will help to eliminate the grain beetles.

• Solid Fumigation
Solid fumigation requires solid fumigant such as tablets or pellets, which its quantity measured by the area. People said that this is the most effective ways of fumigation because it kills insects in all stages, from eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. The process is simple because you just need to spread the tablets all around the enclosed warehouse. The solid fumigant will sublimate and kill all the insects and pests surrounding. FUMIPHOS is the best product as solid fumigant because this one is certified by the authority.

• Liquid Sanitation
Liquid sanitation requires sprayers to spread the liquid to the whole area. You have to mix the liquid and water with precise measurement. Then you can start to spray it thoroughly. The process is simple and safe but you are still recommended to use Half Face Mask for safety reason. SILOGUD will be the best product to make sure the spraying process effective. Other plus point of the SILOGUD, it won't leave any stain or scent.


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