3 Places for Fumigation Process and the Guidelines

16 May. 2021 | dilihat 416x

The storage room is a heaven for pests that flourish in a closed environment. This is bad news for farmers or grain storage owners because they need closed storage space for food commodities. Farmers also often rely on other closed spaces, such as containers and ship holdings as mobility in the export and import process. In other words, wherever farmers store their food commodities, there is a big opportunity for pest to attack these commodities. The only way to ensure no pest-attack in the storage room is to conduct fumigation with Fumilikuid 2 GA.

1. Fumigation on Containers
Make sure if the container to be used is gas tight. If not gas-tight, then additional tools is needed to cover all parts of the container so that the fumigant gas is not wasted into the air. This is very important considering that containers are used as a storage medium for commodities during transportation or movement.

2. Fumigation at Silos, Warehouses, or Other Closed Rooms
Warehouses and silos can be used as a place to carry out fumigation on food commodities as long as they have several criteria such as, there is a seal on the room door, have ventilation with a tight lid, and also have a blower system so that the aeration process runs effectively. If you do not have a specific closed room, at least do fumigation by covering the commodity using a tarpaulin or plastic cover for fumigation to prevent the spread of gas in the area where it shouldn't. The use of tarpaulins must also be accompanied by a weight such as a “sand snake” or “sand roll” that ensures no gas leaks through the small gaps at the bottom of fumigation tarpaulin or sheet.

3. Hold of Vessel
Apart from using containers, the storage process during sea transportation can be carried out at the ship's hold. The ship's hold area is feasibly used such as having a good electrical system and water flow, adequate ventilation and lighting, open spaces which connected to the fumigation room can be tightly closed, no leak either in walls or floors and most importantly, the room used for the fumigation process is not passed by people so that it does not have the potential to have a negative impact on the surroundings.


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