Advantages of Indonesia Clove Buds Extraction

29 May. 2021 | dilihat 273x

As a country with a perfect climate to plant clove, Indonesia has been a major supplier of cloves since the 17th century. Cloves are one of the many spices sought after by Europeans. The Europeans then developed clove so that their use was not limited to food and beverages flavouring or clove cigarettes. The cloves are then processed by an extraction process so that we can get oil. From this stage, cloves have taken a big leap because we can use clove extract as fragrances. The extraction process has exposed the fact that cloves have properties that make it one of the spices with a classic taste and aroma. Until now, research on cloves has continued because the demand is always increasing.

Clove Buds Extraction
Cloves are unique plants because we can use the stalks, leaves, and its buds. The extraction process in each part of the clove will produce essential oil reaching 21.3% with Eugenol content of 78% - 94%. Eugenol is a substance that is useful in making vanillin. The extraction process uses a solvent called N-Hexane and Benzene. The research was conducted to determine the yield with this solvent. The extraction stage is started by drying the clove flowers in the sun for about a week. Then the dried clove flowers were crushed where it would turn into powder. Then the extraction was carried out using Soxhlet extractor with 100 ml of solvent at boiling temperature for -/+ 80 minutes. The results showed that the extraction process with N-hexane solvent had a higher level of Eugenol yield than benzene solvent.


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PT. Panca Prima Wijaya

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Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta
Member sejak: Oct. 2019





